Thursday, January 31, 2002
I have lost many things because of my idiot behavior or for my stupid action. Now i really afraid of losing more, even i can't feel i have it. I lose a friend and this hurts me a lot, now i am afraid to have a friend which I care a lot then lose her or he again. Even if we try to keep going everything has changed. We have just one chance for anything...anyone, any friend. Still now i dun know what say if i see my friend. I am really afraid because inside our mind or feeling had changed. I am sorry...really sorry. I am really sorry for losing u.
Everytime when i am depressed i become confuse, so one friend told me to go to here meeting, it's a simple meeting like they talk and have dinner together sometimes. So i went to meet her, after going out from there my head was more than confuse... it was exploding!!! It wasn't a day, they kept going after me, telling me lots of things... i was amlost crazy, lucky of me that i had friends aorund me. And made me see how i am, who i am. I realize now how powerful a group of religion people could do to someone, they clean ur brain as a dirty t-shit and then draw things what they want u to wear. It is so scary, hope u guys just be careful too, and believe always in urself, because no ones lnow better then ourself. Just take care!!
Bem vou passar uma coisa que aconteceu comigo ano passado. Sempre vemos akeles fanaticos de religioes na tv, mas nunca pensei que dentro das minhas amigas tivesse uma assim. Eu estava meia confusa com muitas coisas e alem do mais os trabalhos que tinha aceitado fazer. Ai minha amiga que veio da Franca me convidou p/ ir na reuniao dela, so p/ conversar e relaxar. P/ que..mas fui, ai me falaram tanta coisa que ate agora me perturba muito, mesmo sabendo que nao tem muita nocaol. Um exemplo mais ridiculo foi que apareceu um homem dizendo que era Deus e Budha. Cara..depois dessa quase cai na risada, mas o que eles falaram p/ mim foi terrivel. Cai numa depressao horrivel. Nao eh nada legal, e espero que ninguem passe por isso. Pois eles usam umas palavras que fere e que deixa vc confusa, quase uma lavagem cerebral, porque sao coisas que mais tememos na vida. Coisas que escondemos no fundo, e coisas que nunca queremos que acontecesse. Por isso as pessoas que estao em depressao ou malstem que tomar cuidado e abrir os olhos. E claro falem sempre do que esta acontecendo contigo assim as amigas de verdade sabem como ajudar a gente. :) O que a vida nao apronta com a gente... repero que eu possa passar logo por esta fase.
Descobri quea char casa eh mo dificil, hj sai pra ver casa p./ minha amiga.. haha. TEm uns quartos muito sinistro.. e caro... aiaiaia....
nossa,.. cereja.. ui,,,, que nojo. mas saiu cereja.. eca!!
i dun have good feeling with cherry.. it's so disgusting!!! :P
Ae Estela, onde se arranja isso heheehe..
Wednesday, January 30, 2002
hey i am going out later with Christy to cine.. so see u guys./
to indo p/ cinema com a irma da Anna... bye
I am becaming a lazy animal...a PIG!! i slept till 3:30pm. Oh... this is bad... hahahaha....
MEu to muito animal preguica... dormi ate 3:30 da tarde... socorro... isso nao eh bom.. :p
I must stop seeing this horoscope program, it's making my head.. hahahhah.... and all saying the same thing that never happen.. :P well at least is funny. heheh..
Coisa que nao paro de assistir agora eh o canal de horoscopo.. hahahha... primeiro porque eh engracado e depois porque fala dos signos. Mas tenho que parar de assistir isso..ta me deixando com ideias na cabeca.. :p tenho que parar de assitir. :]
Tuesday, January 29, 2002
Today i saw a "long time no see friend", she always talks things taht make me thinks a lot and ivs almost useful. A really nice and kind woman. Of course pretty funny.. haha, inteligent, a good friend :}
Chia Hue always alert me that i am not a student anymore in some way, so my head begging to function.. haha, honestly i like her very much, she a nice partner for everything. The funny thing is the idea she has about my future work, always with some our candle shop, or our language school..haha. I never though about that and she alreday made it. hehe.... It's good to have a friend that always there giving ideas or advice.
Sai de tarde com uma amiga muito engracada e legal. Gosto muito de conversar com ela, mas o tempo ao ajuda muito hehhe. A gente sempre fala sobre coisas da vida ou coisas super idiotas.. hahah.... e poe idiotas... :] So que ela tem a abilidade de analisar as coisas bem claras e rapidas, acho porque ela sabe bem o que quer e eh bem organizada em cada plano que tem. Pois eh...perceberam que organizacao nao eh comigo.. hahhahaha.... por isso que preciso dela para organizar as minhas ideias.. ;> Bem espero que o que a gente sempre conversa podera dar certo. E que o trabalho dela de certo quanto o meu futuramente... ou agora!!! hehe.
Monday, January 28, 2002
Well guys here i go again to Core Pacific shopping.. i think i've been there too many times... but this time i am going with my family.. not bad. haha
To indo denovo p/ Core Pacific shopping.. meu.. que cansativo... deixa eu ver.. em uma semana... uns 2 vezes.. po muito p// meu gosto e nao compro nada ainda.. hahah. bem to indo com minha mae e papai.. eh..
It's rainning again.... and cold!!!!!! So i decided to stay home, watch tv and eat.,.. hehhehehe...great vacation!!
O chuvinha mais chatinha... nem vou sair, vou ficar em casa tomando chazinho e tv, apreciar minhas ferias...
Hi today i went to see Vanilla Sky. It was nice.... just a little bit crazy.. hahhaha... i was almost getting on my nervous there! 2hrs of film.. and that crazy thing happening to the protagonist, wow.... really tired. heh. But i liked it! hahah... Well i 've been doing nothing these days.. just going out with friends to shopping. we just hang around, because no money to buy.. hahhahha.. and movie. And tomorrow i gotta go to bank, man... ii hate bank.. to many people... :P
Ai gente tudo bem? Sabe passei esse dias paseando hehe, vida boa nao?! :] fui assistir Vanilla Sky de Tom Cruise, nada mal. Nao foi tao ruim assim, mas era cansativo, tipo o filme durou 2hrs e era meio doido.. hahhaha... demorei p/ entender o que tava acontecendo.. :P
Friday, January 25, 2002
Hahaaha..nossa...muito eu.. hahaha
Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
ok people... i have some problem.. hahah.. My cell is now totaly blocked... hehhehe... so if u want to find me.. mmm... leave message, or.. e-mail me. :) I will try to resolve this as soon as possible, ok. Hehe..
Ai gente finalmente bloquearam o meu cel. por isso se forem me procurar... melhor deixar mensagem. Vou dar um jeito nisso assim que possivel. Desculpai.. hahha....
Thursday, January 24, 2002
E agora meu pai vai p/ Kao Shung por uns 2 dias e terei de ajudar a minha mae. Na boa, mas tava planejado sair agora nao vai dar.. desculpa ai pessoal vai ter que ficar p/ sabado ou domingo... Ligo p/ voce mais tarde.
Hello everybidy, well today wasn't my day, i had been a stupid. First I help my friend to a interview but she felt asleep and didn't come. Then I went to my work to see my schedule, but the butler wan't there, so ending i went to a company to help them in a research....i had forgotten an important things. Man... i am really piss off!!!!! Why i am alsways so stupid!!! hehehe.... but the worse was my friend leaving me there like a idiot... hunf!
Meu... hoje nao foi meu dia. Ajudei minha amiga para uma intrevista o que ela me faz, ficou dormindo!!!! Meu o pior que eu avisei ela, ok dai vou no meu trabalho p/ ver o meu horario a mulher nao tava e depois fui numa compania para ajudar e esqueco coisas....aiaiaia....como sou uma burra e idiota. Pra que ser legal com o pessoal.. hunf... fiquei brava hoje, minha amiga estragou eu dia... argh... que saco.
meu.. nao fiz nada o dia inteiro.. que tedio!!!!!
IT's so boring!!! i have stayed home all day...boring!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2002
I am fine now, just thinking if he died because of me or.... because he was old.. mmm..
sera que morreu congelado? ou de velho.. ah... coitado...
HEy guys.... i am crying know..... my rat died!!! .....mmmm.... =(..... bua buab uba....snif snif... it was so cute!!!!
Ah.. meu ratinho morreu!!!!!!!!!!! bua bua bua.... ele morreu!!!
COf cof cof... i still sick... shit! I hate it! But my body is ok, at least didn't hurt, hehe. So how's everybody??!!
FIRST DAY OF FREEDOM!!!! haha slept till 2pm and ate, watched tv... maybe go out at night with my roommates. hahahha... this is the life i wished..well i just dun have money.. :} but isn't just me... my whole friends, heh. Hey good news! My friend Margarida is coming!!!! it's been really so long that we met.. years ago... man!!! more party!!
Meu doente ainda!!! que merda~ mas diexa p/ la, estou de ferias tenho eh mais que aproveitar.. hahhaha.... Oia tenho um amigo que me convidou p/ ir Beijing passear.. que vontade mas cade a grana??!! Pois eh.. tentacao de mais... so que vai ter que ficar p/ depois, como os outors planos.. haha E tb a minha amiga Marga ta vindo!! o yeah, faz seculos que nao vejo ela,, diz que ta vindo em Junho por um mes... hahah.. mais FEsTA@@
Tuesday, January 22, 2002
FInally I am FREE!!!!! FREEDOM!!!! NO CLASS ANYMORE!! OH YEAH!!!.. i just got a terrible cold that is killing me now,, arhg.... BUt it's ok, i will survive :) Hey! i walked out from the school, i saw a ending fight!! really fight one of hte guy was blooding!!!!! man... and all the student was just looking.. what idiot are them all! :P
And also a good thing, in all day i have been given lots of present, like chocolate, candy, letters.. mm.. food, but... hehehhe.. all girls. This is so amazing! It's so good to have friends! :] i really appreciated it!! Thxs a lot! But.... is this meant that the worse is coming??!!! no..... this can't be!!!.. ahhahahhaa
Meu cada coisa que acontece depois de acabar as pressoes... ahhahah sem provas mais!!! LIBERDADE FINALMENTE!!!... Nossa teve ukma briga hj bem feia na facul, o cara tava sangrando e bem na boa tb, e o pessoal so olhando a festa.. hehe, esse pessoal so ve festa mesmo... :P Mas tb tive surpresas.. desde que terminei as provas to recebendo presente p/ caramba, bem tudo de meninas mas... melhor que nada.. hahhahah. Ganhei cachicol, chocolate, balas, biscoitos.. muito doidos!! e tb de um velhinho! hahhaha.... Eu devo estar muito ferrada nas provas p/ receber isso tudo.. hahhahah
i am sleepy... but i have one more last examen.. but my eyes is closing... argh,,,, i can;t stand anymore....oh my ...mmm...yamn.... nice... good... nite nite...
meu olhos1!! nao estou mais controlando.. elas estao querendo fechar... argh.... nao, nao posso... hunf..... ai.... puf! ronk, ronk, ronk....
Ola.. ca eu estou denovo, madruguei a noite toda so p/ entender o que eh marketing, meu... como eh sao dificieis as perguntas que o professor da... hhahha, mas escrevi duas follhas grandonas e lotadas. O incrivel que nao deixei nenhuma branca. Agora.. hehheheh....o problema eh estar certa... hahhaha
Well i have pass all night studying marketing. It's a little bit complicate the question that the teacher gave us..mmm.. but miracle happens, i have wrote 2 big paper and very very full. inbelievelbe! and now.. hahah... just waiting for the score. Man... i think i will "graduate" early hahahhahah.....
Monday, January 21, 2002
Olha!! mais 2 provas e to livre!!! ja to sentindo o cheirinho da liberdade!!! YEAH!!!! Mmm.. o q vou fazer nessas ferias??.. ichi.. hahah.. acho melhor trabalhar um pouco, andei vanagando demais.. hehe. Pois eh... o que a gente nao faz p/ passar dias melhores. :)
Sabe provas me estressa, nem comer to comendo direito e muito menos dormir... cada sonho estranhos meu.. hahah.. hj sonhei que tava comendo um prato argh... de.. sei la, muito estranho, parecia uma parte de algum animal alien.. hahha... muito doido. Ah, tb sonhei que tava dirigindo.. hahha.. mo rapido em cima de uma Combi.. hahah bip.bip./ hahhaha..... eh acho melhor terminar logo essas provas ou estarei mais doido que agora... :P
OWO!!! I am smelling the freedom!! OH.. YEAH.... this is good, more 2 examen tomorrow and i'll be FREE!!! Do u know what is that??!! ..... It's time to Miriam get really crazy!!! hahahhaha..... ok, i am crazy now, but... this doesn't meant that i can be more crazy right?! hehehe. So, if someone have any plan that won't spent to much money.. hehe, call me. I will try to go out!! yes! freedom///!!!
My friend was telling about what she feels whenever she goes or pass near the airport, actually i ahve the same feeling. Since 14 i travel alone and the lastest time i've been travaling from Taiwan to Brazil.. in the plane i feel so alone, and everytime i go back things always change. I dun know if it is me who change or the world is changing. I have every kind of news before i live.. heh, somes happy others sad... i hate flying alone! NO ONES CARRIES MY BAGGAGE!!! hahhahah.... j/k. Hey Estela, when we going to have a vacation together??? Let's earn money gal!!! hahahha.
Nossa odeio viajar sozinha.. eh muito ruim, alem de sentir muit solitaria... vc morre carregando malas sozinha. hehehe. Pois eh Telinha tb acho que eh melhor sera pessoa que vai do que fica, super chato a sensacao...ver todos partirem. Entao qdo eh que a gente vai seguir os nossos planos de viajar por ai??! hehe... Bem deixa eu arranjar dinheiro e a gente vai mais longe.. :)
Sunday, January 20, 2002
I am Mr Do. I am sedentary by nature, enjoying passive entertainment, eating when the mood takes me, and playing with my food. I try to avoid conflict, but when I'm angered, I can be a devil - if you force me to fight, I will crush you. With apples. What Video Game Character Are You? |
So.. here i am again, i am happy today, after those 3 examen i being alive.. mm.. good news.. hahaha..
well i slept a little bit at the afternoon the my friend called me.. so we went to eat. Really have a great time,
and now i am chatting with some olds friends.. hehe, what else could i ask??... nothing, i am pretty fine and hope keeping this way. :)
Hoje passei um dia super tranquila e bacana. Gostei :) Por que sera que nao temos esses dia sempre... aiai
Acho que vou dormir bem,, sem pesadelos ou alguem brigando o cobertor comigo.. hehe.., falando em pesadelos.. tive uma que sonhei que morri, ai eu gritava que nao queria pois minha mae ainda precisava de mim... po.. isso me deixou estressada o dia todo, bem isso foi dias atras. heh.
Friday, January 18, 2002
Two more examen has gone.. well i am ok till now, but tomorrow... :P would be all in chinese.. and my brain can't remember 10 character of it.. hahhahahha...poor miriam. So nothing happen these days and no rains!! oh yeah!
News.... my friend Anna is going back to Brazil for vacation, i really wanna go with her!!! Miss my home....miss the food.... miss BBQ!!.
Meu nao aguento mais essas provas, tao me deixando com uma preguica... nao tem nada p/ fazer alem de estudar e eu so la muito de estudar por isso fico viajando.. hehe. Falando em viajar, minha miga ta voltando p/ Foz, que inveja....ela ta voltando... snif snif... eu tambem quero! Bem deixa quieto ate eu voltar la seria 2000 e mais porradas... hahha.. to pensando em voltar depois da Facul, mas ai terei de enfrentar umas provas antes p/ trabalho. Por isso.. aiaiaia.....
Wednesday, January 16, 2002
It's rainning today!!! argh i hate rain, this makes me feel bored and ill-humored, and....i gotta go outside tomorrow!! gosh!!...hope not rainning friday. beause i have examen and mountain is the worst place to rain.
Odeio chuva, ainda mais nas montanhas onde fica a minha facul. eh muito ruim!! fico mal humorada e melada.. Amanha ainda tenho que sair e sexta provas... please.. nao chova!!!!
today i finished my examen in 30min. man!! i was happy, but now i am thinking if i were too fast. whatever!
MM...tomorrow no examen.... what i am going to do?!!.. oh yeah, i gotta go to Microsoft to be a "rat". I wills aty ther for 2 hours writing then home. how boring...
I had spent my afternoon at the library studying... well i was intending that.. but i passed 2 hours reading Harry Potter. hahhaha.... i couldn't resist, heheh. And my head... still thinking in the film. I think i am poisoned!! Help!
Oh.. my friend Jennifer is beside me.. with a boring face... mm... she is waiting a stuopid guy. Girls.. when they in love.. what we can do.. haha
meu passei 2 horas na biblioteca querendo estudar mas... hehe fiquei lendo Harry Portter. Credo, tenho que me controlar.. ta certo que estudar enche mas eh o meu futuro.. hahahh.....
Tuesday, January 15, 2002
Finally i can write something down here, it've been 2 days that i am trying to write but nothing. Well yesterday i went to see the second time this film Bridget Jones Diary. Honestly i loved it really much. It makes me happy.. hehehhehe.... and i also bought the CD, oh... i am so happy. So i will send one to Estela, but it will take more "days" to send it. :)
Yesterday i was at the school helping the teacher with a idiot program. Me dressing a mini skirt (because i couldn't found anything longer) from my friend and with stupid work in there. Argh... hated it! At least i won somthing in this activity, nothing useful but something.
Bom gente tive problemas em publicar nesses 2 dias se nao me engane. Tava ficando pe da vida em nao poder escrever. heheh. Fui assistir denovo o filme Bridget Jones diary, gente me apaixonei de verdade que comprei a trilha sonora!! Vou ate mandar p/ Estela se ela nao tivere ainda. hehehhe... Meu como o Makr Dercy eh lindo! amei o papel. hehehe... tava pensando se eu ficar ate os 30 e tiver um romance desse jeito aceito viu!! eu aceito...hahhahh
Sunday, January 13, 2002
Ah... so boring..... so blue... i dun like this, it's so... down. I was thinking about friends, well i dun think i have a really friend as i was a child. Ok, i have some that hang with me everywhere and we talk lots of things, but i dun feel like before. I miss haveing a friend, i really miss a person. But it gone.
It's examen time!! hopr u guys good luck and study hard!!!!!! so this way u can help me.. hehhehe.... well see u on vacation then! good luck wish u all pass!!!!
Finally i had finished my report that the teacher returned... argh.,.. i hate that! Ok, now i gotta wait for my examen. And this mean vacation is coming!! YEAH!! Hey i went to see the film Bridget Jones Diary, gal...this film was great!! I LOVED IT! really nice, how it describe the women.. hehehhe... was quite true :) haha... i think i am going to buy this VCD.
Nossa terminei o meu relatorio esta manha, mais uum desses e to morta! Mas em retorno fui p/ cinema assistir Bridget Jones Diary. Cara, muito DEZ!! AMEI!! Ela eh muito engracada, hahah.. E po.. que inveja, queria um homem desses,, hahahh.. VOu ter que comprar o VCD dela, heheh...
Friday, January 11, 2002
~_~... Today i have a horrible news..mmmm... i have been cut out to the examen!.....and i had dumped my SPSS class. I am so..dam.Fu. Oh......not feeling well.. :P.... And this is just the beggining of the examen... argh. I am really dead!!
Meu.. to mo fudida...a prof. me deixou fora da prova final...po meu! morri agora, alem de reprovar em SPSS, agora essa. Haha, ainda tenho mais uns 7 provas a fazer... acho que a minha faculdade fica por aki mesmo..... merda.. vacelei feio!
Wednesday, January 09, 2002
Now is my english version.. :) But i am going to increase more things. Do u know??!!! i have the SPSS's examen today and ... (crying)..i did not write anything!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! How can this be possible!! :O Well, honestly this isn't a news from me.. hahhaahha..... even the teacher wasn't surprise, i am GOOD!!
So i was saying that, my 2 years and a half over this pretty islan, were nice. I mean....i have spent with lots of experience that made me become older 5 years more. Everyday thinking lots of thing, and almost of them are friends. Some are easy to resolve others just the time. I didn't smile like before, and my friend feel sad about this. So, please give me more time and i'll be like as you all had known me.. ^_^
ok.... tem gente reclamando que eu so escrevo em ingles.. ok,ok....bem hj andei pensando na vida. Sabe entre esse 2 anos e meio aki em taiwan, passei por poucas e boas, mais mals.. do bens.. haha. Nao que esteja reclamando da vida, so to vendo como anda ela. Desde ano 2000, ja nao riu como antes, fica com cara seria e sempre aborrecida. :} Minhas colegas sentem muito qdo me veem assim. Bom tenho que achar algo p/ me deixar mais feliz.. heh
Hello, today i was having lunch with my classmate Renee and we were talking about our childhood. She told me that in one of her vacation, she went with her family to south for fun, after the back time they had stopped in a petrol station to pi, then what happen... this made me laugh for a long while.. hehe, as she went out from the washroom the car had gone. She, alone at the middle of the road and in the midnight hour, forgotten! So she called them then what she heard: " Oh darling we are coming back home, so dun be worried and go sleep."....hahahha....They had forgotten her!!!!!!!!! hahahha... Unbelieveble! Such a big girl and they didn't even remember her coming with them..after all trip///..... hahhaha......
hi.. i just got home about.... one hour.. i am dead! And yet didn't study all, so i gotta get up 8 or 9am again to school then 12am the examen.. hope it finish soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and.. hehe of course, successfuly pass!!!
Tuesday, January 08, 2002
ok we still here in the computer classroom, we have 9 chapter to do and we have spent 2:20 trying to understand 2 chapt. What is this all??!!!! why statisitc is so difficult??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =_0
I am in the school now, trying to study for the tomorrow examen, man.... this is hard. Have u heard about SPSS??!!! Me and my friend are getting crazy because....this book dun say nothing! and is all in chinese!!!! argh... oh yeah, i am in Taiwan.. mmm.. Fu. Hope i can get home early and finish this work... :P
A ha! Finally i pass in my folke dance!! hahahhaha.... this must be miracle!!! Because i've been 3 weeks dancing this and didn't pass it till today! HEHE, what else i could say more...I am Super women!!! Oh yeah.....
Monday, January 07, 2002
ok i'd stayed all afternoon at my house, eating, chatting, watching tv and eating again... hunf.. how boring.. heh.
And my final examen is coming, no books and no desire to study. Good student i am.. :) Now i am watching for the sencond time the same program and cartoon.. hahahha.. man! i am a pig!! hahahahaha..
i am a little bit mm..upset with my friend, because sometimes she makes things so "unresponsable" and i hate this. But it's ok, what can i do.. :} She is a big girl and i can't be her second mother... hai.....have no alternative, i gotta talk to her, 'cause this isn't just me...the others have the same feeling too... :P
Hey! this is my friend Estela, hehe she helped me to do my blog!! haha Thank you very much!!! You are the best! heheh
Ok, so after a really nice HELP from my friend i finally have my blog now. heheh. After this all i realize how stupid i am... really, how can someone be so blockhead, dumb??!!! Argh.. I think just me. :)