Mimi's day

Nothing too much to say, just wanna make my friends know what i am doing and how i am.. :)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

hong kong

Hong kong here i come~~~ yes i,m traveling next week to have some little vacation. Because i think i must live this country for a while. At least 3 days. Well not fur sure how long.. but maximun 3 days. m.. Yeah~~ make some shopping.. eat... walk.... haha... vacation!!! Don't be worried i won't expend much money, actually.. i don't have that money to expend.. hahaha.... poor girls... we want vacation and no money.. haha... man.~~~~ difficult life... Emily and Vivian going to macau first than we going to meet at hong kong. m.... so it will be diana and me, just thinking if i am going to macau for one day trip... m.... need check. see you guys...

Friday, August 18, 2006

I realize that when i am not working i am walking around the city... not exactly going somewhere but only walking, thinking things that might had happen or already happened. I can walk all day.. and not feeling very tired. I go to some restaurant that had seen in some magazine and the end of the day... i finish in FNAC.. a place where sell books and some cds, dvds... i don't know why i always end my walks over there..but it is.. quite nice day. Not doing nothing and walking around. just walking... keep walking..

Thursday, August 17, 2006

the missing anchoves

Yesterday iwent with emily to an Italian restaurant. we ordered bread with tomatos, salmon salad, pizza and angel hair with anchoves. Everything delicius but... when we finally get to the spagetthi...tchan tchan tchan... we ate almost the half of it and we realize that there is no sign of anchoves!! where was the anchoves?? no taste ot it or no body of it!! So we stopped and started to search the anchoves..hehe..it was fun.. because we were discussing about the anchoves for almost half an hour.. haha.. adn the waiter we looking at us because we were playing with the food and laughting nad making strange face while searching the missing anchoves. hahah... i know it was boring but at the time we were geetting so much fun.. hahha... finally i asked the waiter about that (we were having the dangerous of getting the "bad customer" stamp in our face when we asked that @-@)but the waiter was attentive and nice, he explained the the anchoves were into the tomatos souce. .... .... .... well we thought about that, but how come we couldn't taste it??? then..the reason were the chinese people don't like that smell so they put a little bit of it. Man~~ it it's ancoves spaguetti how come just a little bit!! this was thought. we didn't say anything more because he was nice and.. ok.. we were in a good mood. hehe... so the missing anchoves were found inside the souce... haha.. i a know.. it is boring.. hahahahha.......

Friday, August 11, 2006

tudos juntos

Queria que minha familia e familia do marcos morassem pertos, asim nao precisava fazer toda akela correria de ir p/ ca e p/ la. Mas tambem pensei... se morassem perto naof icaria muito legal, sabe porque, imagina se um dia eu brigasse com marcos dai ir p/ casa da minha mae p/ fugir um pouco da situacao.... como fica? se moram do lado.. heheh... ia ficar bem.. chato... hahaha... muuito chato. eh.. eh foda gostar de ficar em casa. Amo minha familia. aiiaa.. preciso pensar omo fazer.. haha alem do mais.. meunem procurei a casa que falo faz anos. Claro.. achoque aindanao eh tempo p/ mudar mas ta ficando dificil de morar la em shilin agora.. meu tem rato em casa!!!! ta parecendo bicho de estimacao..sabe pq??? pq esse bichos nao tem medo de gente!! ela passa correndo na sala qdo a gente ta, ou melhor ontem o rato passou de baixo do pe da Eli!! meu??!! esses ratos malditos!! argl... o pior ehq ue nao eh so um!! ela teve filhos!!! ahhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~ porcaria de ratoera que naofunciona!! aiaiaia...... oh ratos feios!! e ainda famintos!! argh..... ;#

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Man!!! i am now so fuc....itching in all part of my body!! argh!!!~~~~ how i hate being allergic of nowhere!!! gosh!!!!! when i will be ok???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can i stop this itching!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~ This might be my challenge for this month or for the following months!!! so difficult not to scratch...argh... tolerate!!tolerate!!

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Yesterday i saw the film CLICK, it was funny... i liked the film, it is very.. alive, i mean..so reality. Yes.. real life, now a days all the people almost living like that, thinking that after the case i might have time, but no... more and more work.. or more and more ambition.. then.. when you wake up.. you are dying.. *-* My life is't almost like him but i work a lot.. and a lot~~~~ First because i Like, and second... whenyou are in vacation.. there's no one to be with. So... i rather working. But after seeing this film... i might change my mind a little bit. I must live more in this world.. like to some trip.. even alone.. or take some funny classes or activite... m... yes.. i think i nn to change my live. at eleast the way i work..it will kill me one day! ok ok... nice film... it make me think a little bit. hahaha...

Friday, August 04, 2006


Nao aguento essa coisa de mulheres asiaticas com noia de ficar gorda ou com bracos mais grosso!! caramba.. mania de ficar competindo ou enchendo o saco de que teu braco ta grosso... olha..se engordou neh..pq a bunda ta grandinho... ou nossa.. a tua perna eh legal..nao como a minha queh parece cenoura grossa. argh.... odeio isso. Fogo ser mulher ainda mais aki. Fora ter que ser magra vc tem que ser branca!!! ridiculo...


Fui cancelarhj minha passajem p/ brasil, vou deixar p/ outro mes, sabe la qdo. Fazer o que ta dificil de arrumar as coisas aki. :p nao que esteje ocupada mas eh o horario qu nao bate. No comeco ate que fiquei meio triste com isso, mas agora ta legal, um dia eu volto. e achoque nao vou poder visitar umas pessoas tb, entao..c'est la vie.... carpediem!! Changing plans to go to brazil, but i will go this year, so girls~~~ wait a little bit more, actually i might not be able to visit you all, but hope we can arrange a place in brazil to meet!! i will let you know. :} keep i touch!